Baker is getting so big. I can officially say that he is not a baby anymore. I love watching him grow and learn. Being home with him all summer has been such a blessing. I knew that when I became a teacher it would be a great job for a working mother, but I never knew how much I would truly enjoy my summers! I have gotten to watch Baker finally learn to crawl......and almost walk. I've gotten to watch him throw temper tantrums with the "fake cries". I've gotten to literally see a 10 month old be outright defiant! But I have loved his hugs....his open mouth kisses...holding up his arms wanting me to pick him up...healing boo boos when he falls flat on his big head =)...arguing with him... when I say mama and he laughs and says dada (I swear he does it on purpose). I love everything about him and I am so sad I only have two more weeks of summer! He is such a blessing and each day with him is a gift.
As for the months highlights.....picture 1 - a fun day at the park with mommy and daddy. 2 - Josh and Baker going to an SAE dinner. Josh was a proud daddy. And Mommy thinks her boys are just precious! 3 - I had to throw this picture in b/c it cracks me up. On the few occasions when I let my 10 month old watch his Praise Baby DVD, he cannot take his eyes off the tv. I literally can dance, scream, sing, only getting a kick glance, maybe smile, and he is back to his show. This is a picture of him laying out in his bouncy chair, completely captivated in his dvd. FYI- he would even look at me to take the picture. 4 - Baker's first time at the zoo with the Darnells, some of our favorite friends!!! He is growing up so fast. I can't believe we will be having a birthday in less than 2 months. Thank you so much for loving our boy and sharing in our lives!